Domestic violence – everything you need to know

One thing that has nothing to do with caste, religion, class and status is domestic violence. It is prevalent almost everywhere, in every section of the society. The saddest part is that most of the cases go unreported since close family members are involved.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is any behaviour which is shown with the purpose to gain power or authority over a family member – especially spouse. It could be physical as well as non-physical. Beating, abusing, dragging, slapping, taunting or any other kind of physical, mental and emotional torture by a family member could be summed up as domestic violence. The term is mostly used in context with the partner or spouse. It is not uncommon to hear domestic violence complaints in Delhi. But still, the rates of cases being highlighted and those being reported differ a lot. 

Why do most of the domestic violence cases go unreported?

On an average, 4 out of 10 women face violence. However, they prefer to stay silent and don’t speak up against their abusers. This is because of learned helplessness which they might have seen in their families. A lack of clear support from their family members and the society only add to their helplessness. Sufferers of domestic violence feel that they have no other choice than to suffer in silence. Economical state of women also plays a crucial role in forcing women to live with their abusive husbands. Women who are financially dependent on their husbands are the worst sufferers. 

Law against domestic violence 

Abuse of any kind – physical or emotional – which causes pain, discomfort, distress and pain should be reported. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 is an Act meant to protect women from any kind of domestic violence. Brought into force on 26 October 2006, this Act gave domestic violence a proper definition for the first time. It not only includes physical abuse, but also other forms of violence such as emotional, verbal, sexual, and economic abuse.
For cases filed under this Act, the magistrate can provide protection orders, residence orders, monetary relief, and other compensation orders in the favour of the victim. 

However, victims need to be made aware of the law and how they can benefit from this Act after raising their voice against domestic violence. 

NGO Sofia working against domestic violence 

Sofia Educational and Social Welfare Society works hard to eradicate this societal disease which is ruining the lives of women. The NGO team members run campaigns to increase awareness about domestic violence and encourage women to raise their voice against this societal evil. In addition, they also inform abused women in Delhi about their legal rights to help her choose the future course of action and safe herself from any distress or pain due to violence. They guide women under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. NGO Sofia is working day and night to encourage abused women to undergo counselling and take charge of their lives. NGO’s counsellors help such women and guide them for a respectful life. 


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